L2 top servers, Lineage2 private servers, Interlude Highfive servers

C4 C5 Interlude Kamael HellBound Gracia Gracia2 Gracia Final Epilogue Freya High Five Classic Helios Grand Crusade

L2 Invicta

Server name L2 Invicta
Website https://l2invicta.com/?page=info
Chronicle Interlude
Server type PVP
Votes 64
Status Live
Exp 500
Sp 500
Adena 20
Drop 1
Min enchant 3
Max enchant 20
GM shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom armor
Custom weapon
Custom zone
Chronicles Interlude
Platform L2J
Server time GMT -3
Auto loot (except Raid and Epic Boss)
Auto learn skills
1st, 2nd, 3rd job free .class
Subclass Free
Nobless:Party last hit barakiel
Offline shop .offline
Skill Anti-buff
Autofarm system .autofarm (2 box per PC)
Limited access 4 client per PC.
Um clan por alliance
ACP system .acp
Upgrad Ring Of Core and Earring Of Orfen
Custom NPCs in Town of Giran